Splann at Shen 2022
Well, its felt like a long couple of years, But we finally made it back to Shennaghys Jiu! For those of you who don’t know it’s an awesome youth festival doing quite exceptional things with Manx traditional music and dance in the Isle of man.This year we took our extended Splann family, including Matt’s son […]
Two left feet!
Hello… I guess I should introduce myself, my name is Ellie and I am Splann’s caller, it’s my job to ensure that you enjoy your ceilidh. Easy, you say, who comes to a wedding or party not in the mood for fun, and yes of course in a way you’re right, BUT, I like to […]
Burns Night 2014
It’s a busy Burns Weekend for Splann this year. Burn’s Night falls on a Saturday in 2014 which means we are playing right the way through the weekend. It is great to see the way the rest of the UK has embraced Burn’s Night – this is certainly reflected in the ceilidh’s we are playing […]
Goodbye cold village hall, hello Cornwall.
The problem with rehearsing in the summer is that you always feel like you are missing out on something. Sitting in a cold, draughty village hall while the rest of the world is bathed in brilliant sunshine can leave you feeling like you have been short changed. So we thought we would do something about […]
What to wear at a ceilidh
So, you have been invited to a ceilidh at a party, event or wedding reception. If you have never been to a ceilidh, you will probably be asking yourself “what should I wear?”. Here are a couple of Splann pointers to get you going. Shoes – probably the most important thing to get right. Before […]